Introducing All New Sales Dashboards

More Options for Focused Analysis

Version 2021.1 introduces a whole set of new sales dashboards. These new dashboards give users an easy way to analyse their sales according to a range of important perspectives: Pharmacy, Product, Brand, and Region. Users can also drill down via Details, analyse sales by Distributors and Chains, and look up Price Lists.

Once we import your sales data, it’s easy to to set up a new dashboard. Data can be delivered via flat file, or sourced directly from a data provider like IQVIA. We can even import sales data directly from your distributors.

Sales dashboards work out-of-the-box, so there is minimal processing needed. But because each company is different, we’re happy to set up entirely new, custom dashboards just for you.

sales dashboard icons
New sales dashboard icons. Each one opens a separate dashboard with its own unique focus.

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Inception CRM for Pharma and Biotech

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Inception CRM saves sales teams time while increasing their productivity, effectiveness, and efficiency.