Inception CRM version 2023.3 is now available in the App Store.
Version 2023.3 introduces key enhancements to Inception CRM’s Search, Media, Orders and Contracts modules, along with various improvements to the overall user experience:
- Search: Ability to search by ZIP code via full-text search
- Media: Ability to bulk share media from employee lists
- Orders: Ability to enter decimal numbers in product amounts (configurable)
- Contracts: Ability to view contracts with missing configuration
- Contracts: Ability to choose any of a person’s workplaces (new dropdown)
- Contracts: Ability to display attachments from 3rd party storage
- Other bug fixes, UI improvements, and optimizations
Find customers by ZIP code in full-text search
Users can now look up customers via ZIP codes (postcodes) using full-text search. They can enter the complete ZIP code, or part of a zip code, to see all customers in a given location more easily.
Because the full-text search feature lets users combine search criteria, users can also enter the ZIP code in combination with the customer’s name, street address, or another reference to quickly find the specific contact they’re searching for.
Share media with multiple employees at a business easily
Institution (account) cards make it easy to find out who works at a particular business. Simply click the person icon at the top of the institution card and you’ll see a list of employees. Inception makes it easy to add schedule visits with employees, add them to meetings, or assign them to target customer lists, all in one go.
Now, with Inception CRM version 2023.3, users can easily share media with groups of employees using a new bulk option. As with other bulk-sharing options, the system sends approved emails with shared media to each recipient separately, allowing them to be tracked individually.
This is particularly useful when a busy doctor wants the opinions of other clinical staff before making a decision on your product. Users can select all recommended employees from the list and, with one click, share the product information with each of them.
Orders now support decimal numbers in product amounts
As we branch into more areas of the pharma business, supporting different types of companies, we consistently find our assumptions challenged. One of those assumptions is the idea of what a product unit is.
For most pharma companies, you can’t order a “part” of a product pack. But for companies selling raw materials, exact quantities are required.
To support these businesses, Inception CRM version 2023.3 is introducing support for decimal numbers in order forms. The exact number of decimal places is configurable, so each company can define the rules that make sense for their products.
View 3rd-party contracts in Inception CRM
With version 2023.3., users can now view contracts created outside of Inception CRM. Previously, Inception CRM only allowed users to view contracts created using the Contracts module.
This update adds both to the flexibility and usefulness of our Contracts module and the robustness of contracts management generally within Inception CRM.
Externally-produced 3rd party contracts can be imported to help users to track the entire contract history of a given client. And they can function as parent contracts for contracts created in Inception CRM.
View all of a person’s workplaces in Contracts
Version 2023.3 now lets users select the address for a contract from the list of workplaces assigned to a given person. Previously, contracts only worked with a customer’s primary workplace. This update introduces additional flexibility for both users and customers whose contracted projects are site-specific.
Display attachments from 3rd party storage in Contracts
Just as Inception CRM now supports the import and display of externally-produced third-party contracts, it also now lets users import attachments from external storage repositories into Inception CRM. Users can upload and view these attachments, which may contain contractually relevant information, within the contracts to which they are assigned.